Thursday 31 January 2013

 The fairyland in Turkey

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The fairyland in Turkey attracts many tourists every year and enthralls them with its marvel. These “chimneys” are essentially rock formations with a softer core and a harder outer cover which prevents erosion of any kind. Visitors also hop on the hot-air balloon ride and have a magnificent view from top of the area. Turkey as it stands is after-all the ultimate destination for the wanderlust with its unique blend offerings- those of history, culture, architecture, cosmopolitan-verve, religion, being an Ottoman empire seat and even scenic beauty.
This Tree is located just outside the trinity college, University of Cambridge. Sir Isaac Newton was hanging under one of the ancestor of this tree exactly at the same place. This place is the witness of newton’s apple story that we read in the books. For keeping this place and memories alive, university grows an apple tree at the same place once a tree died off and thus the legacy continues…

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That though the radiance which was once so bright be now forever taken from my sight.
Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass, glory in the flower.
We will grieve not, rather find strength in what remains behind.
– William Wordsworth
It was Feb of 2009, When i was in my college @Kumaon Engineering College, Dwarahat. Feb, its always chilled in Dwarahat and mostly in all hilly areas of Uttarakhand. Feb, hilly region, chilly temperature, all that was waited, a ‘Snowfall’.
We all see live matches,live shows but watching something live as ‘Snowfall’ is what, most people around the world wish to. I too wished the same, and it came true that year… :)
It was all snow, snow, and snow all around and suddenly i captured a reddish flower blushing between the snow.
This flower is Rhododendron ( Buransh in hindi), whose beauty added some more spice to the scenic view over there.
The pristine supple beauty of the flower enchants the viewer. All my friends reacted ecstatically to my plan of visiting the hills during snowfall. That day, I mused the virgin beauteous part of nature.
Do visit this place around Jan or Feb to be a part of this heavenly experience… :)

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Wednesday 30 January 2013

inspiring stuff from India.

This is a perfect example set by a youth of a Mother Nation that how u can defeat the most unfavorable situation and mold it into your way.
The vision to achieve his childhood goal helped 23-year-old J. Rajashekar Reddy qualify the final hurdle of becoming a chartered accountant. He is the first completely blind candidate in India to manage the feat.
After he lost his vision owing to a damaged optic nerve caused by brain tumor at the age of 11, Rajashekar never imagined that he would be able to script a sterling success.
This is what the words of a true winner:
“I went into depression and my parents had given up on me. I had never paid much attention to studies, but I am grateful to my grandmother who brought me to Hyderabad, after she heard of the Devnar School for Blind,” said Rajashekar, who found his feet after joining the school. A meeting with a career counselor at the school when he was in 10th standard set the pace for his career.
The profession of CA is an honored post in the society and hence I was motivated to pursue it. My father works as an electrician and mother is a homemaker. It is a little difficult for them to comprehend the sense of my achievement. In fact, looking at the jitters I was going through before my results were declared, my mother was worried that I chose a profession which causes stress and wanted me to relax at home.
My success is not mine alone but of all those volunteers, teachers, friends and mentors who supported me throughout.
Finally let me take this opportunity to give our good wishes for the brighter future of this brave son of our motherland,we all are really proud of you.
Last but not the least a visually-impaired person is as good as anyone and need not be pitied. They can reach the pinnacle of success through hard work.

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Krishna's marvellous city of Dwaraka

 Krishna's marvellous city of Dwaraka

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After Krishna left the earth for Vaikuntha,about 36 years after the Mahabharat War (3138 BC), and the major Yadava leaders were killed in disputes among themselves, Arjuna went to Dwarka to bring Krishna’s grandsons and the Yadava wives to Hastinapur, to safety. After Arjuna left Dwarka, it was submerged into the sea. Following is the account given by Arjuna, found in the Mahabharata:
…imposed on it by nature. The sea rushed into the city. It coursed through the streets of the beautiful city. The sea covered up everything in the city. I saw the beautiful buildings becoming submerged one by one. In a matter of a few moments it was all over. The sea had now become as placid as a lake. There was no trace of the city. Dwaraka was just a name; just a memory.
The Vishnu Purana also mentions the submersion of Dwarka, stating
On the same day that Krishna departed from the earth the powerful dark-bodied Kali Age descended. The oceans rose and submerged the whole of Dwarka

Hagia Sofiya

 The Hagia Sofiya in Turkey

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The Hagia Sofiya is arguably the most celebrated architectural marvel of the ancient-medieval history. Built about 2000 years ago, the building wins over the tourists even on this date. It was a cathedral from the days of Constantine up until the times of the Ottomans when it was converted into a mosque. The building today serves as a museum giving the onlookers a glimpse into the rich heritage of Turkey. It is worth a visit and especially so if you have a thing for history and culture.!

Thursday 17 January 2013

Hello friends

We are Musetheplace. We are many things into one. But hey, that does not mean that we cluter you and your space. And that is the beauty of it all. We do our work seamlessly. We are around a specific place and it gives you a unique seamless experience. Then we have a feature we call as "Mini Musings". This is actually cool. Just follow the link and see for yourself. It is just a fun thing to do around a place.