Monday 4 February 2013

It had been over a year and we friends had not ventured out to a new place. This is a big surprise, as we all friends love to travel and explore new places. So on one fine Saturday morning, without planning too much we set out to Murud and Janjira Fort. Murad and Janjira Fort is famous, as being the only fort along the Western Coast which has remained undefeated despite Dutch, Maratha and English attacks. We were quite amused by the fact and wanted to have a first hand experience of this invincible Fort.
We reached the Fort by 10:00 AM as we started early. Gentle cool sea breeze greeted us. We enjoyed the Cool coconut water at the beach. As the fort was on a small island in the sea we had to use a small ferry to cross it. We hired a local guide who took us around the fort explaining each and every portion of the fort. He recited to us all the rich stories of the past. How the Fort had been attacked innumerous times but has always remained undefeated. These stories added to our pride, though we had no role to play in the victories of Siddis who own the Fort. After whole trip of the fort we started our way back to Pune. On way back we spent the evening in Alibag(Alibaug) and reached homes by 10:00 PM.
So in all it was an amazing escape from the daily din of the city life of Pune. A cool escape to the prestigious fort of Murud-Jajira with a frenzy evening party at the beach of Alibaug.

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