Friday, 1 February 2013

Jagannath (or Jagannatha) meaning “Lord of the Universe”, is a deity worshiped primarily by Hindus.
Lord Jagannath is parmatma. He is known as Brahma, Daru Brahma as he is made from log of wood but he does not have any specific forms like Rama or Krishna, rather he is the embodiment of all forms. We find that the Lord Jagannath is invoked and worshiped by virtually all the diverse religious sampradayas, each in their own way.The great acharyas and founder of the different vedic sampradayas, namely Bhagvatapada Adi Shankaracharya, Shri Ramanujacharya, Shri Madhavacharya, Shri Nimbarkacharya, Shri Vishnu Swami, Shri Ballavacharya and Shri Chaitanya all of them visited jagannath temple Puri(Orissa) and invoked Lord Jagannath according to the tradition of their own sampradayas.
The important thing is , on the different occasions, we can see the send arts at best at PURI beaches during different festivals and seasons. come to jagannath puri have a walk with spirituality.

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